So this is where I'm staying at, on the 19th floor of a 31 storey building. Brilliant city has 25 high-rises and more than 50k inhabitants. Making it the biggest apartment compound in the center of Shanghai. It's located in the northern part of the city, Putuo, close to the central railway station.
The high effect is spectacular especially at night time, watching thousands of lights and cars passing by in the distance while working my ass off and listening to music. It reminds me of Tokyo, where I often had a similar view while studying like crazy until the library closed late at night.
Now living in the middle of it all is already wearing down the effect.. but still opening windows, sticking your head out or hanging out on the balcony feels eeriiee =) I think these kinds of places are better off as office spaces. Nevertheless, a great Shanghai experience :)
I'm posting some pictures, the first one is my building and then some views from there.